Useful Links
Please follow the link below to allow us to give your child medication during the school day (please note that if it is for antibiotics we are only able to administer when the prescribed dose states 4 times a day).
Should you require a leave of absence form for an emergency, please collect a paper copy from the school office. Once we have received it, it will be reviewed by the Headteacher and you will receive a response confirming whether it has been authorised or not.
Other Useful Parent Links
Our links with parents and the home are a most vital part in ensuring a happy and successful time for your child here. We believe that strong and positive links greatly enhance the children’s learning journey.
The teachers are always prepared to meet you to discuss your child's progress in school and an appointment should be easy to make for a mutually convenient time.
We have a home contact book which can be used to pass messages between parents and staff. An appointment should be made with your child’s teacher if you have a particular worry that needs a more lengthy discussion.
During the course of the year, you will have opportunities to formally discuss your child's progress at parent teacher meetings. An annual report is written for each child in the summer term.
Here are links to other websites you may find useful:
The website has several useful sections to help parents:
Illness and Absence from School
NHS advice for when your child is ill including guidelines on deciding whether they should attend school andactions to take for common conditions. As an additional reminder, it is very important to notify the school onyour child's first day of absence.