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Equality and Diversity

All at Ravensthorpe are committed to ensuring our children are treated equally and that we seek opportunities to recognise and celebrate diversity in our school community.

 Please see the documents below to read our Equality Compliance Document and information regarding the Public Sector Equality Duty.  2024 statement awaiting academy committee approval.


  • All members of the Trust community (staff, learners, Trustees and governors) are of equal value and will be treated fairly and equitably
  • All individuals are entitled to work and learn in an environment which is inclusive and respectful where differences are recognised and respected
  • The Trust has high expectations for the whole Trust community
  • Positive attitudes and relationships are fostered, resulting in a shared sense of cohesion and belonging
  • Objectives pertaining to this policy are specific and measurable over reasonable timescales

To find out more, please read our Public Sector Equality Duty Statement available on our policies page