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Behaviour Information

Our ultimate aim is that every member of our school community feels: safe, happy and valued. We encourage everyone to take responsibility for their actions and feel that the ability to resolve conflict is a vital part of a child’s learning process.

Ravensthorpe School is proud to have pupils that are well mannered and well behaved!

We encourage, highlight, reward and praise good behaviour of individuals, whole classes and house teams to encourage everyone to play a role in ensuring that our school is a happy and safe place to thrive.  We discourage, correct, reject and match sanctions to inappropriate behaviour, whilst conveying to children that by rejecting their unacceptable behaviour, we do not reject them.

Positive behaviour management strategies are used throughout the school to promote good behaviour.


Bullying is a continuous pattern of behaviour by one person or more towards another which is designed to hurt, injure, embarrass, upset or discomfort that person.  All school staff play a major role in ensuring that we prevent bullying from occurring and dealing with it in a consistent manner if it arises.

 To view our Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy, please visit the Policies page.



At Ravensthorpe Primary School, suspensions or permanent exclusions will always be the last resort and used only in extreme cases of inappropriate behaviour or when all other attempts to engage a pupil in changing their behaviour have failed. Only the Headteacher may suspend or exclude a pupil. In the event that the Headteacher is offsite or unavailable, a Senior Leader may act on behalf of the Headteacher to suspend or exclude a pupil.  Suspensions and exclusions usually take effect immediately.

DfE Guidance on Exclusions